Krauss, Heidi N., and Davis, Fred A., Experimental investigation of mantle heterogeneity using partitioning of first-row transition elements between clinopyroxene and melt with varying jadeite components, Submitted to the 2020 North-Central Conference, GSA, Duluth, Minn., 17-20 May, 2020. Link to Abstract *Note: This abstract was not presented due to facility closures for COVID-19
Boor, Elizabeth, Carpenter, Logan, Krauss, Heidi N., Wojtowicz, Emily, Brengman, Latisha Ashley, Goodge, John W. and Hansen, Vicki L., Origin of neoarchean metasedimentary rocks near Pike Lake, Vermilion District, northeast Minnesota, Submitted to the 2020 North-Central Conference, GSA, Duluth, Minn., 17-20 May, 2020. Link to Abstract *Note: This abstract was not presented due to facility closures for COVID-19